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When you open a scanned document for editing, Acrobat automatically runs OCR optical character recognition in the background and converts the document into editable text and images. By default, only the current page is converted to editable text in one go.

As you move to another, the page in focus is made editable. A prompt on the upper-right corner appears showing you the recognized OCR language. To change the language, click Settings in the prompt or in the right pane. For more information about the various options, see Options for editing scanned documents below. Click the text element you want to edit and start typing. New text matches the look of the original fonts in your scanned image.

For more information on editing text, see Edit text in PDFs. When you open a scanned document for editing, the two scan-specific options are displayed in the right pane under Scanned Documents:.

For more information, see Settings - OCR language, system fonts, and all pages editable. For more information, see Enable or disable auto-OCR for scanned documents. Use the settings to change OCR language, choose whether to use system fonts, and make all pages editable at one go.

In the right pane, click Settings under Scanned Documents. The dialog box shows the following three settings:. Initially, the language is set to the default locale and the other options are disabled. The OCR is turned on by default. Therefore, when you open a scanned document for editing, the current page is converted to editable text.

We value your feedback. Tell us about your experience with PDF editing. Give Feedback. Legal Notices Online Privacy Policy. User Guide Cancel. This article explains how to edit text and images in a scanned PDF using Acrobat.

Watch a quick video tutorial and get started. Edit text in a scanned document. Open the scanned PDF file in Acrobat. Options for editing scanned documents. Settings - OCR language, system fonts, and all pages editable. Use available system font : If this option is checked, during the process of scanned to editable text conversion, the converted text is displayed in a font that is installed on the system and is a closest match to the original font in the scanned page.

Make all the pages editable : if this option is checked, then all pages of the current document are converted to editable text in one go. It is a relatively slower option. Use this option only if you want to edit all pages or convert all pages to editable text.

Turn off or disable automatic OCR for scanned documents. To turn off automatic OCR, do the following:. In the right pane, clear the Recognize text checkbox. From next time, Acrobat won't automatically run OCR. To turn on automatic OCR, do the following:. In the right pane, select the Recognize text checkbox.

From next time, Acrobat will automatically run OCR and convert a scanned document to editable text. Give feedback about this article We value your feedback. Sign in to your account. Sign in. Quick links View all your plans Manage your plans.



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